Christians Opposed to Gay Marriage Aren’t Bigots?

I Am The Bigot?



I couldn’t help but comment on this piece at Opposing Views, called, “Christians Opposed to Gay Marriage Aren’t Bigots“.


Here’s what I said. 

Mr. Redmond, in your eyes, I am a bigot. Here’s why I believe you’re wrong.

Your beliefs are just that: your beliefs. YOU become the bigot when you attempt to impose your beliefs on others. You don’t want gay marriage? Don’t have one. But don’t interfere with my right to love and marry whom I choose. I certainly don’t want to  intervene in your right to love and marry the person you choose.

That’s the problem with religion. It’s not content to minister to those who choose it. It believes it is “the one true faith”. It believes it is ordained to go forth and conquer. Manifest destiny is not only for a country; religion believes it has the right to take over and impose its beliefs on everyone. It does not.

I find it amusing that the Crusades and the term “Holy War” and the term “bigot” are always related to religion. Can you tell me why? Why is it we never hear of the professor who is bigoted in his teachings about Evolution? Or about the poet who is bigoted about Iambic Pentameter? No, Mr. Redmond, even the dictionary uses religious bigotry as the example for the term bigot.

What if religious folks just started preaching to the choir and left the rest of us alone? Whatever happened to “the meek shall inherit the earth”?

What do you think?

(image: Wonderlane)

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