Christian Senators: Gays Should Choose Jesus Instead Of Their Spouses

Two Christian state senators debating Colorado’s civil union bill – Senate Bill 2 – yesterday decided to quote Bible passages and proselytize from the Senate floor, including telling gay people to choose Jesus over their same-sex partner.

“I truly believe Jesus is a better answer than Senate Bill 2,” Senator Scott Renfroe told his colleagues  — and every Colorado citizen. Choose Jesus over the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, Renfroe says. Because, apparently, Senator Renfroe is under the mistaken idea that Colorado citizens elected him to minister to their lives, to be a theocrat, to make his interpretation of the Bible the law of the land in Colorado.

“This bill tears at the very fabric of our morality and our society,” Renfroe added.

Really? Civil unions tear “at the very fabric of our morality and our society”? Your morality is rather weak, in that case, Senator. And it shows.

Renfroe’s colleague, Senator Kevin Lundberg joined him in quoting scripture, asking, “How do we deal with, or what is the attitude toward those who choose homosexuality over heterosexuality?”

How do you deal with those who “choose” homosexuality?

How about you make them equal citizens? How about you treat them the exact same way you treat every other person? How about you “deal” them a fair hand?

I’m more angry at the people of Colorado who elected these two wing nuts than I am at them. Theocrats are dangerous, un-American and anti-America.

Senator Scott Renfroe has claimed public schools are “feminizing” boys and compared homosexuality to murder.

And if you think these radical religious wing nuts are just in Colorado and don’t affect you, Senator Kevin Lundberg is trying to run against U.S. Rep. Jared Polis.

This excellent video is via Box Turtle Bulletin’s Daniel Gonzales, who notes the bill successfully “passed out of the Colorado Senate with a vote of 20-12 with 3 Republicans joining Dems in support.” He adds:

The bill now moves on to the House, which is controlled by Republicans by a single vote. Although openly gay sponsor Mark Ferrendino has enough votes in the House to pass the bill, it’s generally believed the House Judiciary Committee where the bill died last year will again be the largest challenge.

It’s 2012. Colorado is going this crazy over a civil unions bill?

What has this country come to?


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