Chick-Fil-A Social Media Strategy: Fake Facebook Profile To Attack Critics

Chick-Fil-A, the Christian fast food giant whose operations manual is the Bible, today was caught red-handed using a fake Facebook profile — complete with stock photos — to attack critics. Apparently, in the world of Christian Biblical social media, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor” does not include creating a fake Facebook account and four hours later attacking innocent people.

Andy Towle at Towleroad notes:

Chick-fil-a has been busted doing damage control for the lie they made up regarding the recall of kids toys from the Jim Henson Company. A redhead named Abby Farle is seen defending the company to critical commenters. Only problem is, her profile picture is a stock image and she just joined Facebook four hours prior to leaving the defensive comments.

And even Gizmodo is getting into the mix:

Yep, Chick-fil-A is still stuck in its own reality and is doubling down on its lie. Instead of owning up to the fact that The Jim Henson Company stopped doing business with them because they’re overrun with bigots, the chicken sandwich company is making fake Facebook accounts to defend its honor on the social network. How do we know the accounts are fake? Just check out this back and forth on Chick-fil-A’s Facebook page between real, breathing people and “Abby Farle”, a Facebook account that was made 8 hours ago by a chicken PR flack with a stock image of a teenage girl as her profile picture.

Apparently, we can all thank Reddit for this. Thanks!


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