Catholic School Fires Teacher For Supporting Gay Marriage In Self-Review

A Catholic school in Moorhouse, Minnesota has fired a fifth-grade teacher after eleven years when she responded on a school-issued self-evaluation questionnaire that she supports same-sex marriage. St. Joseph’s Catholic School, established in 1880 by Benedictine Sisters, reportedly told Trish Cameron to write a letter of resignation and said she would not have her contract renewed for the fall.

In other words, St. Joseph’s Catholic School is 100% intolerant of views not authorized by the Catholic Church, and is willing to fire anyone who states, even confidentially, that they do.

“In a letter sent to St. Joseph’s staff and families, Trish Cameron said she was told June 1 she would not be offered a contract for the following school year because of her response to a question on a self-evaluation,” the Grand Forks Herald reported:

The question concerned whether she supported the Catholic Church’s teachings, she wrote in the letter.

Her response, as quoted in her letter, reads: “I do not agree w/ all Church teachings on a personal level but I do not bring my own opinions into our religion classes. We tend to focus on respect and love for one another and living out our call as servants whenever a ‘political’ topic crops (which it rarely, if ever, does).”

After a later discussion with school administration, Cameron said in the letter that she told them she did not agree with the church’s stance against gay marriage. Because of her dissent, she was asked to write a brief letter of resignation.

Families and staff also received a letter signed by Principal Toby Bierl and Superintendent and church Monsignor Mike Foltz. That letter stated that because of “an unfortunate circumstance” and the school’s “fiduciary responsibility” as a “Catholic-Christian school,” Cameron was asked to resign.

In the letter, the school officials credited Cameron with being instrumental in developing St. Joseph’s drama club and for “her love of teaching and her kind and giving heart.” The situation “leaves the school with an air of sadness,” the letter stated.

The Herald quotes Cameron:

“In my honest to goodness heart, I want the interest in this story to build bridges for all the right reasons, not to tear things down,” Cameron said. “I feel like perhaps there is a wave of interest that may need to come and go before I speak about this.”

“I think that would be my higher calling – that is to say – if I am called to speak up with what’s been printed at some point, I want it to be for the right reasons,” Cameron said. “I want to be in an environment where people are listening. I want it all to unfold for all the right reasons.”

While St. Joseph’s Catholic School charges around $3000 annually for tuition, assumedly the state subsidizes the school as well. The school offers a link to state tax forms for parents. But Catholics’ religious liberties are being infringed, according to people like the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue.

Last week, The New Civil Rights Movement reported that a Cincinnati, Ohio, Christian academy hired a music teacher, then called him back in, asked him if he is gay, then fired him, all with hours.

Also last week, Gallup reported that 29% of Republicans — almost three out of every ten — believe that school boards should be able to fire teachers simply for being gay. Only 15% of America’s Catholics believe it’s OK to fire someone for being gay.


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