Camenker: ‘Extreme Terrorists’ Behind Removal Of Homosexuality From Mental Illness List

An “extreme terrorist movement” was behind the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses, according to Brian Camenker, head of the Southern Poverty Law Center-certified anti-gay hate group Mass Resistance. Camenker talked with Jim Schneider of VCY America, the “Voice of Christian Youth” ministry and “information radio” network based in Milwaukee.

“Homosexuality and transgenderism and all of these things have traditionally been considered mental illness issues, in fact the transgenderism still is, it was only through an extreme terrorist movement in the medical community that changed that,” Camenker told listeners, and then lamented the new law in California that now bans so-called “ex-gay,” “conversion,” or “reparative” therapy for LGBTQ children, to try to turn them straight.

“There are successful groups around the country that work with people with homosexual, same-sex marriage issues, such as JONAH, which is a Jewish group, and Courage and NARTH and others, and there is a whole world of ex-gays around. I know several people who were very, very heavily involved with homosexual lifestyle, left it, have become married with kids and are leading just wonderful lives, and I’ve known kids who were gay activists who changed, who through some kind of therapy or working finally said ‘no I’m not really this at all’ and have left that lifestyle.

“You have this whole world of people that have been healed of this and in California, the gay activists there pushed this thing through the legislature to ban that kind of counseling to people who want it if they are under eighteen. Unfortunately, some of the people who really need it are these kids who have been preyed upon by the homosexual movement and believe me I have known kids personally who have been preyed upon and thought they were gay and through the right kind of counseling understood that ‘no, it’s just a fad, I’m not really that way’ and are leading wonderful, productive lives and not even thinking about it, so this is terrible.”

Later, while speaking to a caller, Schneider called homosexuality “a deviation”  that “totally goes against nature itself,” while Camenker called homosexuality an “addiction.”

Caller: I am sick and tired of homosexuality being called a sexual preference, it’s like saying ‘I don’t prefer you live therefore I have the right to murder you,’ or ‘I don’t prefer you own that car so I’m going to steal it from you,’ it is not a preference it is a deviancy. It’s against nature’s law, it’s against God’s law and for a long time was against the laws of the United States both federally, locally and regionally for states.

Schneider: I appreciate that Doug I believe that was pointed out because what we are hearing so much today is that it’s an orientation and that it is not a lifestyle that is being chosen and that’s why you used the word ‘preference,’ not an ‘orientation,’ in that people are choosing that. Doug, it is a deviation and it totally goes against nature itself, as well.

Camenker: ‘Preference’ is inaccurate; I think the caller is correct. It is a deviation or sort of an addiction, what have you, I think addiction is probably closer to what it is.

Mass Resistance calls itself “the pro-family action center for Massachusetts — and beyond!

Transcript via Right Wing Watch, which has the audio on their site as well.

GLAAD has a Brian Camenker page on their Commentator Accountability Project, and includes Camenker’s image (above,) and his quote:

“The Big Lie technique (like other remnants of Nazism and the Nazi movement) has been a focus of the homosexual movement since it coalesced in the late 1980s and began to use the media on a large scale…The Big Lie was first described by Adolph Hitler in his writings, and later refined and put to use on a large scale by Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda.”


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