Call For ‘Dictator’ Obama To Be Impeached For ‘Celebration Of Homosexuality’

Peter LaBarbera is calling for the impeachment of “dictator” Barack Obama for his “blasphemous” “celebration of homosexuality,” because he decided “that he is just not going to enforce the law” of DOMA. LaBarbera, head of the SPLC-certified anti-gay hate group, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, was talking to Jim Schneider on the Voice of Christian Youth America (VCY America) radio, a traditional, evangelical Christian ministry with 16 radio stations.

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch has the audio, and offers this transcript:

LaBarbera: They will not enforce that latter provision of DOMA, and so this President has decided that he is judge and jury of the nation, acting like a dictator, he has decided that he is just not going to enforce the law. I believe that he can be impeached on that alone if there was enough people who had moral strength in our Congress. You can’t just decide which laws you’re going to enforce and which ones you’re not going to enforce, he has done this repeatedly throughout his administration but especially with regard to homosexuality and marriage.

Of course, LaBarbera, purveyor of falsehoods, offers not only not concrete examples, he’s also wrong. There’s a big difference between a president’s decision to not defend a law in court — which has happened 13 times since Reagan, and a decision to not enforce a law — which, by the way, presidents often do, via signing ceremonies; neither is an impeachable offense.

We know this, the policies that he is advancing are anti-Christian: the celebration of homosexuality, undermining marriage between a man and a woman. I mean that is a blasphemous agenda, the idea that marriage, attaching marriage, this wonderful institution given by God, attaching that to the perversion of homosexuality is sort of one of the ultimate blasphemies, Jim, but that’s what he is promoting.

I believe that many people see Obama’s sort of what he’s doing to the country as part of the judgment of America. We elected this man who said he wasn’t going to divide the country and lo and behold he has become one of the greatest if not the greatest president pushing immorality that this country has ever seen.


Caller: As far as Obama is concerned, I believe he is a man after Satan’s own heart, has nothing to do with the truth, he is an arm of the Antichrist, and we need something to happen. I hope it’s the Rapture.

Schneider: We are so in need of revival across this land, when we observe what’s taking place in other countries Peter, there is no guarantee that America needs to be this world superpower. When we see what’s going on in other nations, the persecution that has come to Christians, why should America be exempt from that?

LaBarbera: Right. Abraham Lincoln said America if it fell it is going to fall from within, crumble from within, and certainly historians have associated sexual immorality and other factors with the downfall of civilization and we see rampant sexual immorality, not just on the homosexual side, look at any movie rated PG-13, incredibly dirty. America has become a highly, over sexualized, perverse nation and perhaps God is just allowing us to sink and the world will go on for hundreds or thousands of more years but America will not be the great power, or the moral power certainly, than it once was.

The sheer hatred and lunacy of LaBarbera is astounding, but no one should be surprised. Last year, ignorantly and without bothering to do any investigative research whatsoever, LaBarbera stated that the victims of Jerry Sandusky will grow up thinking they’re gay, despite any factual evidence to support his mistaken argument.

LaBarbera last year also stated “homo-fascism” and “homo-communism” are all part of “Satan’s plan.”


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