Bristol Palin: My Son Tripp Said The ‘F’ Word — But Not That ‘F’ Word

Bristol Palin now claims her three-year old son Tripp said the “F” word, but not that “F” word. The unwed mother and abstinence-only advocate says that Tripp did not say “faggot,” he said “fuck.” Or, some word that begins with “F” that isn’t a “slur,” because, “he does NOT use slurs.”

READ: Why The Palin ‘Faggot’ Comment Matters

The 21-year old Dancing with the Stars finalist took to her blog today and took the opportunity to reaffirm that even though her son didn’t say “faggots,” well, “I do oppose gay marriage.”

And Palin also took the opportunity to blame others:

Tripp is always surrounded by adults – around the campfires with cousins and their friends, at the shop with my dad and his snowmachine buddies.  He’s apparently picked up some language that I’d prefer he not use. On national television or at home.

Bristol Palin also took the opportunity to bash the Left:

I guess the temptation to label my three year old son is just too great for the lefty papers to resist.

Via Twitter Palin labeled the event an #EmbarrassingParentingMoment.

Gawker, in an update to their report that Tripp said “faggot,” notes:

Life’s a Tripp showrunner Matt Lutz wrote in to say that Tripp’s bleeped expletive was “fuck” and not “faggot.” Lutz says that he was in the room at the time, and that he has reviewed the raw footage several times.

The issue, of course, was not so much that a toddler said the word, but where he got it from, and what a terrible job Bristol Palin and her sister Willow — herself a fan of the “fagot” word — did of instilling good values in the boy. That observation clearly still stands.

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