Brian Sims Takes High Road Over Governor’s Comparison Of Gay Marriage To Incest

Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims is a very smart man. The first openly gay college football captain in NCAA history, Sims is an attorney and was the President of Equality Pennsylvania before becoming the first openly-gay man ever elected to the Pennsylvania state legislature.

This morning, Pennsylvania Republican Governor Tom Corbett compared same-sex marriage to incest, in a local TV interview when he was talking about his “apology” for having compared same-sex couples who want to marry to children. It’s small wonder that Governor Tom Corbett’s approval rating stands at 17 percent. Same-sex marriage, on the other hand, has 54 percent support among Pennsylvania voters.

This afternoon, Sims, who yesterday introduced a bill to bring same-sex marriage equality to the Keystone State, offered this thoughtful and insightful commentary.

“All day long I’ve been hearing about the Governor’s comments earlier this morning comparing marriage equality to incest,” Sims wrote on his Facebook page. “In truth, I’m not giving him or his comments all that much thought and I encourage you to do the same.”

No one, not even his own party, would argue that he’s an intellectual heavyweight or even a particularly thoughtful person. The larger issue is that despite the fact that the majority of Pennsylvanians disagree with him, he continues to be the heaviest hitter in Pennsylvania’s anti-equality crusade.

Our job isn’t just to be frustrated with the homophobia coming from the Governor’s Mansion, it’s to do everything we can to ensure that his chapter in Pennsylvania’s political history is as sad and short as his record on schools, economic development and civil rights.

Tom Corbett has been a disaster for Pennsylvania for so many reasons and I hope this fuels your resolve to vote him out of office.

Clearly, Sims, who is just 35, has effectively schooled a man almost twice his age.


Image by Memeographs via Facebook

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