Breitbart: Liberals Bully Conservatives To Death, Because, Dan Savage

Ben Shapiro, the exceptionally young editor-at-large of Breitbart.com, says President Obama is a liar and a bully, liberals bully conservatives to “death” — and offers Dan Savage as proof.

“Huh?,” you say?


Shapiro’s radical nonsensical rant, published yesterday at Breitbart, is an introduction to his new whack-a-doodle book, Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans.

In Shapiro-speak, this is supposed to make sense:

Actually, the American left has become the greatest purveyor of bullying during the last half-century. That’s the dirty little secret: buried beneath all of the left’s supposed hatred for bullying is a passionate love for bullying—the use of power to force those who disagree to shut up, back down, or face crushing consequences up to and including loss of reputation, career destruction, and even death.

No mention of whom the left bullied to “death,” mind you, but hey, Andrew Breitbart is dead, so, there’s that?

Shapiro, supposedly some wunderkind intelligent superhero, includes this passage, because he’s such an amazing writer:

Andrew hated the bullies of the left. “These liberals are bullies,” he said once.

Wow. The nuance, the eloquence, the depth takes one’s breath away.

“Leftist bullying reaches new heights every day,” Shapiro writes, without delivering one iota of proof. But in the next breath he is forced to go back almost two years (so much for “every day”) to offer this:

Just take a look at the White House anti-bullying program. In March 2011, President Obama led a White House conference on the supposed scourge of bullying plaguing America. There hadn’t been an uptick in childhood bullying by any available measure; in fact, bullying was down across the board. But President Obama spoke up loud and strong against bullying. “Bullying isn’t a problem that makes headlines every day,” he boomed. “But every day it touches the lives of young people all across this country.” He launched a website under the auspices of the Department of Health and Human Services to combat bullying. And, of course, he joined forces with the It Gets Better Project.

Any American with any semblance of empathy remembers the fall of 2010, especially September 2010 — when at least 11 teens committed suicide after suffering years of anti-gay bullying. But Shapiro would have President Obama ignore children who were literally being bullied to death, and yet claim — without any proof whatsoever — the American left bullies conservatives to “death.”

But Obama wasn’t really against bullying, as I explain in Bullies. When the DHS wasn’t busy running StopBullying.gov, they were busy bullying religious employers into violating their consciences by forcing them to cover contraception for employees. And who headed up the It Gets Better Project? Dan Savage, the thug who screamed at Christian teenagers who had the temerity to walk out on one of his anti-Biblical screeds.

Get it? Obama is a bully because he picked Dan Savage who’s a bully and anti-Christian, so Obama is anti-Christian. He’s probably secretly a Muslim, too!

Obama isn’t against bullying. Neither is the left more broadly. After all, when someone stands up to a bully – say, Israel standing up to Islamic terrorists, or even George Zimmerman standing up to a young bully pounding his head into the pavement – the left goes berserk.

Get it? Skittles overpowers guns every day of the week. And the left is totally anti-Israel, so Obama is the Anti-Israel in Chief!

The left’s goal is to shut down the political debate by decrying their opponents as victimizers. They label their opponents racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, benighted, backwards bitter clingers. They liken them to Nazis, KKK members, terrorists. Then they cast them out like lepers from the political debate. Because who would bother debating a Nazi, or a KKK member, or a terrorist?

Remember all those liberals who compare conservatives to Hitler? Yeah, exactly. But remember all those conservatives, like, say, Bryan Fischer, who claim gays are Nazis? I do.

Conservatives — the party of “personal responsibility,” mind you — aren’t actually “racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, benighted, backwards bitter clingers,” their repeated rage, anti-women, anti-gay, racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic comments and actions have not made most Americans think that — oh no, it’s the evil left that has magically persuaded most of America to just somehow think that.


The left won this election because they bullied. And the right lost because they did not fight back. Now the left has trained its guns once again on the Tea Party. We’re terrorists. We’re hostage takers. We’re racists and bigots and homophobes. Why? Because we have the temerity to want government to live within its means.

The party of personal responsibility takes no responsibility for its racism, bigotry, homophobia, and terroristic tactics, oh no. It’s just the all-powerful left that has magically created this illusion!

And at an embarrassing eight percent of America, the Tea Party, because of its racism, hostage-taking, bigotry, homophobia, lunacy, and poor spelling, is about to disappear.

I’ve not read Ben Shapiro’s book, nor do I plan to. His Breitbart piece introducing it is sufficient to deduce it’s probably a piece of sheer and utter lunacy, just like much of what you’d read at Breitbart, if you actually could stomach it.


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