Breaking: NYC Mayor Bloomberg Endorses Barack Obama For President

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg just endorsed President Barack Obama for President, after Obama’s handling of Hurricane Sandy was applauded by Republicans and Democrats alike.

READ: Slam Dunk: America Awards President High Marks On Handling Of Hurricane

The news comes from a reliable, some might say, inside source: Bloomberg TV, owned by Michael Bloomberg.  

Bloomberg was a Republican, but switched and became an independent. Many have said he has his eyes on the White House. The billionaire mayor and founder of Bloomberg could finance his own campaign should he choose to.

READ: In Hurricane’s Wake, NYC Mayor Endorses Obama ‘To Lead On Climate Change’

A few weeks ago, the New York Times reported:

Seeking to reshape a national political debate he finds frustratingly superficial, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of New York is plunging into the 2012 campaign in its final weeks, creating his own “super PAC” to direct millions of dollars in donations to elect candidates from both parties who he believes will focus on problem solving.

Mr. Bloomberg, a billionaire and a registered independent, expects to spend from $10 million to $15 million of his money in highly competitive state, local and Congressional races. The money would be used to pay for a flurry of advertising on behalf of Republican, Democratic and independent candidates who support three of his biggest policy initiatives: legalizing same-sex marriage, enacting tougher gun laws and overhauling schools.

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