Breaking: NY Times’ Nate Silver Now Gives Obama 91.4 Percent Chance Of Winning

Nate Silver, the highly-respected New York Times‘ statistician, now places Barack Obama‘s chances of winning re-election at 91.4%, and estimates the President will earn 314.4 electoral college votes. Silver predicts President Obama’s popular vote increasing to 50.9%.

Only if you vote.

Let’s be clear here: there are too many people who can’t vote on Tuesday because of Hurricane Sandy. There are too many people who won’t vote Tuesday because they’re afraid the lines will be long.

We need everyone’s vote for two reasons:

First, because we need President Obama to be re-elected.

Second, because if the popular vote is close, or, heaven forbid, Romney wins the popular vote and Obama wins only the electoral college vote, the right will claim Obama is an illegitimate president, yet again.

Perception is power.


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