Breaking: Dual NJ Anti-Bullying Bills Pass Almost Unanimously!

New Jersey’s Garden State Equality (GSE) reports the “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights,” a bill they have been working on for over a year, even before the tragic death of Tyler Clemeni, has passed the Senate 30-0, and the House 72-1, and is on its way to the governor’s desk. While no word yet on whether GOP Governor Chris Christie will sign the bill, it looks pretty veto-proof. Through a press release, GSE states that New Jersey has a slightly-higher bullying rate than the national average, and heralds this as the “most sweeping anti-bullying legislation in America.”

“As someone brutally bullied in my own youth, I can’t even begin to describe how the passage of this bill is a moment of deeply poignant, personal healing for me and thousands of others who have been bullied,” said Steven Goldstein, Chair of Garden State Equality.  “The best revenge is to make the world a kinder place.  This legislation will make our state a kinder, safer place for students for generations to come.”

“The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights applies to schools from kindergarten through 12th grade, strengthens New Jersey’s cyberbullying law, applies to bullying off school grounds that carries into schools, and has a section that applies to the state’s public universities.”

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