Boehner, Read It And Weep: America Doesn’t Want Health Care Repealed!

New Speaker of the House John Boehner loves, loves, loves to use the phrase, “the American people.” Remember these?

“The American people will not stand for such an increase”

“Beginning in January, the House is going to become the outpost in Washington for the American people”

“I hope President Obama will listen to the American people”

“If we don’t deliver what the American people are demanding…”

“Beginning on Jan. 5, the American people are going to watch their Congress do something differently.”

“The American people want a smaller, more accountable government.

the American people want us to focus on cutting spending”

Basically, Boehner uses the phrase, “the American people” when he’s talking about himself, or the GOP, but not all the American people. Usually just those he’s looking to for campaign contributions.

Well, according to a new Marist poll, which I mentioned yesterday, the American people do not want health care repealed.

Read the numbers above and weep, Mr. Speaker.

Overall, only 30%, less than one in three of the American people want health care repealed. More than one in three people, 35%, want it to do more. Another 14% want it to stay as is, and only 13% want it to do less.

And we’re talking registered voters, John.

He’ll be crying for weeks.

(Want more facts? A reader offers this, via FactCheck.org: “Twenty-six Lies About H.R. 3200“)

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