Bishop: Obama Gay Marriage Views Create ‘Adulterous Relationship’ With Blacks

Bishop Harry Jackson on Friday said that President Obama is in an “adulterous relationship” with African-Americans that is “dishonoring of the African American and Hispanic clergy,” because of his views on same-sex marriage. The Bishop’s comments, made at the Family Research Council‘s “Watchmen on the Wall” conference in Washington, D.C., were an extension of his comments last week, when he claimed the President’s views create a situation that is “no different than a married person having a relationship with someone other than their spouse.”

Thursday, Bishop Jackson stood in front of reporters and asked if President Obama “is going to … absolutely erase the image of biblical marriage from the face of the earth.”

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch reports on Jackson’s Friday comments:

Jackson for years has been trying to bolster Republican efforts to appeal to minority voters, and today told pastors at the summit that “there’s no romance” between the Democratic Party and African Americans and Hispanics.

Later, Jackson said that since 1967 there has been an “an assignment of Hell” that is attempting to “erase sexual differences” through the LGBT community. “How dare people have gender reassignment surgery,” Jacksondeclared:

It was the week before Mother’s Day that President Obama came out in public and said what some of us have known for years that he was in fact for same-sex marriage. This is one of those situations that he was before it before he was against it and now he’s for it again. It was shocking because it was dishonoring of the African American and Hispanic clergy, it was dishonoring of them because he and his party believe that blacks and Hispanics have nowhere else to go. We’re in an adulterous relationship with them, they come at our door at midnight, they knock, they want entry, they want what they want, how they want it and when they want it—do I have to spell this out for you? But then we don’t get flowers, we don’t get tickets to dinner, there’s no romance in this situation, are you with me?


There’s been a movement from 1967 to erase the sexual differences, the gender assignment that God has given. There has been an assignment of Hell trying to tell us that we need to be unisex, that we need to move into some kind of homogenous, androgynous zone. There’s been something in the culture that is trying to erase the image of God from before us. Marriage is supposed to be a reflection of Christ’s relationship with the Church, but also in the reality of that there is an understanding of femininity and masculinity that also reflect godly roles and assignments. How dare people have gender reassignment surgery that says the way God originally dedicated them to be was not good enough.

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