Bill Maher: Santorum Like A Lost Soldier Who Doesn’t Know War is Over

Bill Maher, speaking about the culture wars, likened GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum to a Japanese soldier on a remote island who doesn’t know World War II is over. On his “New Rules” segment at the end of “Real Time With Bill Maher,” Speaking of Occupy Wall Street and the Republicans’ likening the nascent movement to the ’60s, Maher said conservatives “like to live in the past.”

“But I get it because we fought a culture war in the 60’s and the Right lost,” Maher says. “Rick Santorum is like that Japanese soldier on the island who doesn’t know the war is over, so he’s still fighting against birth control and butt sex. Plus, Republicans are now mostly a Southern party and if there’s one thing Southerners don’t do well its lose a war and get over it.”

“But that war is indeed over. The ideals of a youth movement became assimilated into civil society. That’s why we have gays in the military now and pre-natal yoga classes and tofurkey. And that’s why Rick Santorum will never be president and a black guy who snorted cocaine is.”

Maher, speaking of the Occupy Wall Street movement, said, “These people down there, they’re not the counter-culture; they’re the culture. They don’t want free love, they want paid employment. They don’t hate capitalism, they hate what’s been done to it. And they resent the Republican mantra that the market perfectly rewards the hard working and punishes the lazy, and the poor are just jealous mooches who just want a handout. Yeah, because if there’s one group of people who hate handouts, it’s Wall Street.”

In the video below, I’ll leave off comment about Maher’s remarks on Carson Kressley and his racist comments about people who assemble iPhones. Skip ahead to 3:10 if you don’t want to be bothered. This is always my issue with people like Bill Maher and Michael Moore: their message is so often spot-on, but then they dilute and infect it by surrounding it with claptrap.



Episode 229 by BillMaher1956

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