Bicycle Racing AIDS Activist

I was born in New York City on April 3, 1980. Three weeks later to the day, and three thousand miles away, the first AIDS case was recognized in San Francisco and reported to the Centers for Disease Control. I grew up a child actor, so I was surrounded by people, stories, myths, and health lessons regarding this disease. And I’ve helped raise money over the years, starting around the age of 10. Now, 21 years later, as I turn 31, I’m doing something I never thought I would do. I’m riding my bike in one of the most physically challenging events, the San Francisco to Los Angeles AIDS Life Cycle.

AIDS Life Cycle provided by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center.  This year marks the tenth anniversary of the event, and during June 5 through the 11th over 2000 cyclists and roadies will come together to accomplish this ride.

This event also consists of riding my bike between 80 and 100 miles each day, sleeping in a tent, waking up at 5:00 AM to get back on the bike at 6:00 AM and repeating it all for seven days until all 545 miles are complete. It’s the 10th anniversary of this event and I’m super excited to try this with 2000 other people!

The AIDS Life Cycle raises money for two California-based organizations known for their outreach in the LGBT community and for AIDS research, the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center.

We all know someone living with HIV — we may not even know we know them — but we do. Today, there are over one million Americans living with HIV.

While we may not all know are the struggles people living with HIV go through, we all know how hard we have been fighting this disease over the past 30 years. Please reach down into your pockets for them today and make a donation. Big or small, every little bit helps.

As a trainer, spin instructor, and athlete I welcome challenges. I look forward to the pressure my body will go through over the next few weeks as I continue training and the pain during the event. I look forward to pushing my body past its limits. With that being said, help me by doing your part in all of this and make a donation.

I do not know this world without this disease. Hopefully one day, I will.

I thank you in advance, and I’ll see you at the finish line!

Gonzalo Garcia is a New York City actor turned personal trainer. You can join Gonzalo’s Facebook fan page, and follow him via Twitter.

Read Gonzalo’s coming out story here at The New Civil Rights Movement, Out October: “I’m Crying Because Your Son Is A Homosexual!”

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