BBC’s “Should homosexuals face execution?” now “Should Uganda debate gay execution?”

BBC’s “Should homosexuals face execution?” now “Should Uganda debate gay execution?”

Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown has been out and about, pushing for British gay civil partnerships to be recognised across the European Union. (Imagine if Barack Obama were to do that here?…)

Meanwhile, the BBC, that bastion of British news excellence, really screwed up, and has attempted to fix things and move on. Tuesday, the topic of a serial debate online, called, “Have Your Say,” was headlined, “Should homosexuals face execution?” The debate related to recent news about Uganda’s “Kill The Gays” bill.

After national and international outrage, BBCNews changed the title to, “Should Uganda debate gay execution?”

Some excerpts:

“Should homosexuals face execution? Yes, we accept it is a stark and disturbing question. But this is the reality behind an Anti-Homosexuality Bill being debated on Friday by the Ugandan parliament which would see some homosexual offences punishable by death.”


“Has Uganda gone too far? Should there be any level of legislation against homosexuality? Should homosexuals be protected by legislation as they are in South Africa? What would be the consequences of this bill to you? How will homosexual ‘offences’ be monitored? Send us your views.”

Most recently, written at the top of the page: “This debate is now closed.”

See more at Pink News.

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