Barber: “No Evidence” Of Mass Anti-Gay Violence. FBI: You’re Dead Wrong

Matt Barber of the Liberty Counsel today on his radio show falsely claimed there is “no evidence” of mass anti-gay violence but the “specter” of violence against gay people has forced churches into the closet. Barber also calls gay people “people who engage in these aberrant sexual behaviors.” Because homosexuality, in Matt Barber’s mind, is does not exist, but homosexual sex — an “aberrant sexual behavior” – does, and it is a choice, apparently. Which, of course, is false.

Perhaps Barber would like to peruse through all our stories about hate crimes?

Unless any of our detractors, which I know they will, attempt to say that we are advocating violence against people who engage in these aberrant sexual behaviors, that is of course not the case, nobody I know favors of course violence, we all are opposed to violence against any individual for anything. But that’s not what’s happening here. What’s happening is they’re using this specter of some kind of notion of ‘mass violence’ committed against homosexuals, they do the same thing here in the United States, ‘mass discrimination,’ something where there is no evidence of course against people who are engaged in these behaviors. They use that as a Trojan Horse to force, to compel nations and individuals and groups and churches that embrace traditional values, relative to sexual behavior, to push them into the closet and say ‘no, no, you have to adopt a full affirmation of these perversions.’

In late 2010, The Southern Poverty Law Center commented on the data released in the FBI’s 2009 Hate Crime Statistics report and stated it showed “the LGBT community is, by far, the most victimized by violent hate crimes.” The SPLC also added, “Homosexuals are far more likely to be victims of a violent hate crime than any other minority group in the United States.”

Barber, the Vice President of Liberty Counsel Action and an Associate Dean and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Law at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University School of Law, also serves on the board of the SPLC-certified anti-gay hate group, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, and is the Policy Director for Cultural Issues at Concerned Women for America.

Last year, Barber said that “at the heart of modern Liberalism is rebellion toward God, is hatred for God,” and also claimed that gays know in their hearts that there is no such thing as two mothers or fathers and that all they really want is to destroy the American family.

Also last year, Barber said gays are terrorists and want to put conservatives in jail.

Via Right Wing Watch by way of Towleroad

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