Bachmann: The Vegetarian Option Is Steak

Michele Bachmann had all but disappeared until Herman Cain‘s alleged adulterous affair gave her the opportunity to grab the spotlight again, and boy did she. Bachmann’s offensive and tunnel-visioned response to a very intelligent high school student (from whom she didn’t run away this time,) have been met with shock and incredulity from anyone with a heart or mind.

At a local Waverly, Iowa pizzeria Michele Bachmann had the audacity to tell Jane Schmidt, a Waverly High School student and president of the school’s Gay-​Straight Alliance, that same-​sex marriage equality is a special right, that all Americans already have the right to marriage — as defined by law, and strongly suggested that same-​sex marriage is nothing more than a “sex practice.”

JANE SCHMIDT: Then, why can’t same-​sex couples get married?

BACHMANN: They can get married, but they abide by the same law as everyone else. They can marry a man if they’re a woman. Or they can marry a woman if they’re a man.

JANE SCHMIDT: Why can’t a man marry a man?

BACHMANN: Because that’s not the law of the land.


Washington Post columnist Alexandra Petri had a few thoughts about Bachmann’s thoughts, and penned, “Michele Bachmann gets things straight on gay marriage,” writing:

I’m glad Bachmann wasn’t there for history. “Why can’t Rosa Parks sit at the front of the bus?”

“She can sit,” Bachmann would say. “She can sit at the back of the bus.”

I’m glad she isn’t my waiter. “Is there a vegetarian option?”

“The vegetarian option is steak,” Bachmann would say, not blinking an eye.

“Is there a way for people in wheel chairs to access the sixth floor?”

“There’s a way. They can take the stairs,” Bachmann would say, still not blinking.

“There doesn’t seem to be an option for Republicans to vote.”

“Republicans can vote. They can vote Democrat like everyone else,” Bachmann would say, blinking a little in confusion.

“I’d like to find a synagogue.”

“There’s a synagogue right here,” Bachmann would say. “It’s a church.”

“Do you have apples?”

“Yes, I have oranges.”

Comparing same-sex marriage to opposite sex marriage may not be like comparing apples with oranges, but in the mind of Michele Bachmann, it’s one size fits all.


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