Bachmann’s Latest: “We’re Becoming A Dictatorship”

Michele Bachmann, dissatisfied with her diminishing role in national politics, sat down in an interview with Victoria Jackson‘s “Politichicks” and said, “We’re becoming a dictatorship,” adding, “We don’t elect a president, we elect a healthcare dictator.” Bachmann also trounced Barack Obama‘s foreign successes, twisted foreign policy facts, and blamed President Obama for what she perceives as a “hyperkinetic” level of terroristic activity, while claiming Obama has followed a policy of “unilateral disarmament.”

Bachmann, in the 17 minute interview, claimed there is a rise in Sharia law and stoked fears of Sharia overtaking American law.

Bachmann also railed against the FBI’s removal of anti-Muslim training materials, and calls Iran “a third-world basket case…trying to nuke up.”

Bachmann claims she is “a high-value target for the Democrats.”

She truly has an over-inflated sense of self. But then again, she gave an interview to Politichicks, so she must be desperate…

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