Bachmann, Pence, King, Issa Sponsor Bill Condemning Obama On DOMA

Michele Bachmann, Steve King, Darryl Issa, Mike Pence, and Virginia Foxx — a total of 82 House Republicans — have signed on to co-sponsor a bill that “[c]ondemns the Obama administration’s direction that the Department of Justice (DOJ) should discontinue defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and demands that the DOJ continue to defend DOMA in all instances.”

The bill means absolutely nothing, holds no weight, would not get passed in the Senate and certainly Obama would not sign it into law, so it’s merely grandstanding, something Congress can ill afford to do while the DOW surges downward, unemployment is astronomical, and the GOP-led House has passed not a single bill since taking control to create any jobs.

The bill, H. Con. Res. 25, introduced March 3, oddly proclaims that “the Defense of Marriage Act has never been overturned in any Federal lawsuit challenging its constitutionality by a Federal Court,” yet this is untrue.

Read: “Gingrich, Huckabee, Bachmann Join Hate Group Leader For Fundraiser

U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stephen Reinhardt declared DOMA unconstitutional in 2009.

Additionally, in 2010, U.S. District Court Judge Joseph L. Tauro found DOMA unconstitutional on Fifth and Tenth Amendment grounds.

The bill also — and falsely — states, “the vast majority of Americans believe that marriage should continue to be what it always has been–the legal and spiritual union between one man and one woman.”

Of course, we all know that marriage through the ages has been many things, and that at one time marriage was merely a legal contract for the ownership of women. The more money a man had, the more wives he could afford. Fortunately, those days are over, right, Rep. Bachmann?

But we all also know that last August, two nationwide polls, a CNN poll and an AP/Roper poll showed that a majority of Americans support marriage equality.

Yes, the Republicans… Where are the jobs, Mr. Boehner?

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