Bachmann: Obama Needs A ‘Spanking’ After He Granted Voting Rights To Undocumented Immigrants

Retiring Tea Party Republican U.S. Congresswoman Michele Bachmann recently gave an interview to World Net Daily, a radical birther website home to hate mongers like Bradlee Dean, and to Rick Santorum. This shocking video demonstrates that the Representative from Minnesota’s grasp of both facts and reality is extremely loose. Bachmann built her political career on the backs of the LGBT community when she used homophobia and hate to claw her way into the Minnesota state government, and then the U.S. House. But over the past year, she has increasingly turned her fear and hate machine onto her new targets: immigrants and immigration reform.

In this interview, Bachmann actually says that President Barack Obama last year gave voting rights to undocumented immigrants, and he will do it again next year if immigration reform passes.


To be clear, that is a totally false statement, nor does the President have the power to do that — and if he did, why didn’t Bachmann do anything about it? Could she be mistaken — which would mean dereliction of her duty as a Congresswoman — or is she just lying?

She also complains that if immigration reform passes, Democrats will keep the Senate, the White House, and take over the House.

Here is the complete transcript:

“Contrary to popular opinion Republicans won’t get patted on the back or get new votes because of passing amnesty. They’re going to get blamed. And it’s my prediction that the house Republicans could put themselves in a position where they could actually lose the gavel in 2014, because I think the president, even by executive order, can again wave his magic wand before 2014 and he’s say, “now all of the new, legal Americans are going to have voting rights.’

“Why do I say that? He did it in 2012. Do you remember? Anyone who was here as a Latina under age 30, he said, ‘you get to vote.’

“What? He decides you get to vote? If he did it 2012, know — take it to the bank — he’ll do in 2014. And then guess what will happen? Democrat in the White House. Democrats controlling the Senate. Democrats controlling the House. At that point they will change election law, and it will be almost impossible to ever see him Republican majority again. Do we get how important this is? I’m not crying wolf here.”

“This is working for the president. It’s not working for the American people, but it’s great by him. He has a perpetual magic wand and nobody’s given him a spanking yet taken it out of his hand. That’s what Congress needs to do — give the president a major wake-up call. And the way we spank the president is we do it through the checkbook. We’re the ones who say, ‘no, you can’t have the money.’ What’s wrong with us?”

What’s wrong with the Tea Party and Republicans, indeed.



Hat tip: Right Wing Watch

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