Bachmann: Obama Mandates Military Be ‘Retrained’ And ‘Brainwashed Toward Islam’

Rep. Michele Bachmann this morning at the Values Voters Summit claimed President Obama ceeded to the demands of an Islamist organization and the Muslim Brotherhood, and mandated that all U.S. security agents, including the military and FBI, be “retrained” and “brainwashed in political correctness toward Islam.”

READ: Bachmann: ‘Dire Consequences’ If ‘Desperate’ ‘Radical’ ‘Hyper-Liberal Policies’ Win

Kyle Mantyla at Right Wing Watch, which quickly published this video clip, notes Bachmann was “citing a decision by the FBI to purge hundreds of anti-Muslim documents from its training materials as proof that the administration was enforcing “Islamic speech codes here in the United States.”

Mantyla points to a WiredDanger Room blog article that explains the facts — something Bachmann, who frighteningly sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, meaning she has access to classified data and helps make decisions regarding America’s security.

Here’s an excerpt from the Wired article:

Danger Room uncovered several such documents in the fall, including some instructing FBI counterterrorism agents that “mainstream” Muslims sympathized with terrorists; that the Prophet Mohammed was a “cult” leader; and that the more “devout” a Muslim was, the more likely he would be to commit a violent act. Some documents even purported to graph the correlation. The FBI initially said the instruction occurred “one time only.” But when Danger Room uncovered additional anti-Islam materials — in briefings that compared Islam to the Death Star; in books on the shelves of the FBI training library at Quantico; and in pages hosted on internal FBI websites — the bureau began an extensive internal review.

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