AT&T, FedEx, GE Top Funders Of John McCain’s Homophobic Support Of DADT

In the New York Times yesterday, Maureen Dowd wrote about the Senate “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” hearings and repealing the unconstitutional law, “It’s unclear why McCain is being so stubborn and stalling, particularly when those closest to him — his wife, his daughter and his cloakroom buddy Joe Lieberman — have all boldly spoken out on behalf of gays in the military.”

And –lightbulb! — I wondered, why is McCain being so stubborn and stalling? Why is this so important to him. And I realized the answer, as it usually is in politics, was, “follow the money.” So I did.

Do you do business with any of these companies? Does your company? Can you stop it?

I’m not advocating a boycott, but I am advocating a wholesale awakening to the fact that these companies are directly funding hate and homophobia that is directly, negatively impacting our military.

So, do you have an iPhone? AT&T has donated $58,000 to McCain in 2010. Send packages? FedEx: $40,600. Run or register domains? Go Daddy: $29,950. Watch cable TV? Comcast Corp: $28,000 and GE: $24,900. Fix up your house? Home Depot: $20,000.

Here’s the list of top 100 donors from the recent reporting cycle, thanks to OpenSecrets.org, which states: “The organizations themselves did not donate, rather the money came from the organization’s PAC, its individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals’ immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.”

Note: First figure is the total, including individuals and PACs

Here’s the list of all-time top donors to John McCain. Perhaps what is so striking, yet, makes total sense: the vast sums the US Government, the US Army, and the US Dept. of Defense have given John McCain: $558,939.


Note: First figure is the total, including individuals and PACs

John McCain's All-Time Top 20 Biggest Donors

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