Asst. Attorney General Harasses Gay College Student ‘In His Off Hours’

Chris Armstrong is the student assembly president at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He is also gay.

Andrew Shirvell is an assistant attorney general for the state of Michigan. He is a “Christian.”

Which, according to Shirvell, along with the First Amendment, give him the “right” to pick on a boy.

Shirvell, in his “off hours,” writes a blog called, “Chris Armstrong Watch,” which details his crusade against the college student, whom he labels a “liar” and “a viciously militant homosexual activist,” “satan’s representative,” and “a militant homosexual extremist.”

Shirvell calls this a “political campaign,” and says these are just “political tactics.” The problem, aside from the fact that he is a bigot, a homophobe, has zero credibility, and has surely embarrassed his boss, the Attorney General of the State of Michigan, is that it is not a political campaign. Armstrong is not running for anything. And the only thing he ran for, student assembly president, he won.

Some of his blog post titles:

“OUTRAGE ALERT: Armstrong Invites U of M Freshmen to Join the Homosexual Lifestyle”

“OUTRAGE ALERT: Armstrong Praises Anti-Christian Activist Judge Vaughn R. Walker”

“Chris Armstrong: The PRIVILEGED Pervert”

Shirvell needs to get a life!

In 2001, Shirvell, while a University of Michigan student, wrote a piece for the school paper, titled, “The real terrorist: Planned Parenthood.”

GoodAsYou in 2005 wrote, “Pizza parlor’s gay sticker attacked; “Credit cards accepted” decal said fearful,” which quotes Shirvell as saying, “I find the rainbow flag offensive because it is a symbol of the homosexual movement that, in my opinion, indicates a validation of the homosexual lifestyle, as opposed to a sign that indicates ‘openness’ to customers who are of the homosexual orientation.”

This man is not grounded in reality.

Watch as Anderson Cooper takes on — and takes down — Andrew Shirvell.


Shirvell belongs in jail. I trust his boss will put him there soon. (The real questions are, how did he ever get hired, given his past rants, and why is he still employed by the state?)

Shirvell spends a LOT of time on Facebook, and seems to assume everything he reads there is true. I took a look at Shirvell’s Facebook page, which lists as activities, “Marathon running, Weight training, Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don’t even deserve to be an issue in your life :), Let’s start a Christian Revival on Facebook! Click “like” if you believe that Jesus is Lord!!!!”


And under “Interests,” these: Geneaology, Law, Building Up the Kingdom, Finding the Right Lady, Politics.

Good luck with that!

His favorite books? The 48 Laws of Power, American Reformers, The Bible, The Book of Revelation, The Chatechism of the Catholic Church, Evangelium Vitae

Oh, “The 48 Laws of Power?” “The 48 Laws of Power is a 1998 book by Robert Greene and Joost Elffers. The book shares thematic elements with Niccolò Machiavelli’s The Prince and has been compared to Sun-Tzu’s classic treatise The Art of War.”

Wonderful. Evidently, Shirvell believes he is in a Christian Crusade.

Just what America needs.

(By the way, there is a “Fire Andrew Shirvell” page.)

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