Archbishop: If Marriage Equality Law Passes NY Will Be Like North Korea

New York Archbishop Tim Dolan suggests that if  lawmakers pass the marriage equality bill Governor Cuomo unveiled Tuesday, New York will be like communist China or North Korea, where “government presumes daily to ‘redefine’ rights, relationships, values, and natural law.”

READ: Rubén Díaz Falsifies NY Archbishop’s Comments To Attack Gay Community

“Last time I consulted an atlas, it is clear we are living in New York, in the United States of America – not in China or North Korea,” Dolan writes. “In those countries, government presumes daily to ‘redefine’ rights, relationships, values, and natural law.  There, communiqués from the government can dictate the size of families, who lives and who dies, and what the very definition of ‘family’ and ‘marriage’ means.”

Of course, if there’s one thing the Church — and its top leadership — is good at, it is in instilling fear. Just ask any of the victims of pedophile priests.

“But, please, not here!  Our country’s founding principles speak of rights given by God, not invented by government, and certain noble values – life, home, family, marriage, children, faith – that are protected, not re-defined, by a state presuming omnipotence,” Dolan states, not recognizing the fact that same-sex couples are citizens of the same country he is, and equal in all measures — except under current law.


Dolan has referred to same-sex marriage as a “detriment to civilization.” He has also said he will challenge any suggestion that Catholics are unenlightened because they oppose marriage equality.


“Please, not here!  We cherish true freedom, not as the license to do whatever we want, but the liberty to do what we ought; we acknowledge that not every desire, urge, want, or chic cause is automatically a “right.”  And, what about other rights, like that of a child to be raised in a family with a mom and a dad?”

I’ve checked again and again and again. I see no where in the constitution that it states children have the right “to be raised in a family with a mom and a dad.” I do believe children should be raised in a loving home.

“Our beliefs should not be viewed as discrimination against homosexual people,” Dolan, in an epic twisting of truth, writes. “The Church affirms the basic human rights of gay men and women, and the state has rightly changed many laws to offer these men and women hospital visitation rights, bereavement leave, death benefits, insurance benefits, and the like.”

The Supreme Court has determined that marriage is a basic human right. Case closed.

“The Church affirms the basic human rights of gay men and women?” The Church, at least, the Vatican, affirms the basic human rights of gay men and women to be its slaves, to be sexless, loveless, partial humans.

“This is not about denying rights,” Dolan says, again, in an epic truth-twisting. The right to marry is perhaps one of the most basic rights any human deserves. Anything less is what would happen “in China or North Korea,” where “government presumes daily to ‘redefine’ rights, relationships, values, and natural law.”

58% of New Yorkers want marriage equality for all New Yorkers. Why don’t you, Your Excellency?

New York Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan was elected president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops last November, over the expected front-​runner, a bishop considered more liberal. Dolan, an ardent anti-​gay conservative, was appointed to head the New York Archdiocese just one year earlier.

The day before Dolan began his post as New York’s Archbishop, Dolan came out swinging, ready to fight against marriage equality, saying, “You can bet I will be active and present and, I hope, articulate in this position.” Dolan has referred to same-sex marriage as a “detriment to civilization.” He has also said he will challenge any suggestion that Catholics are unenlightened because they oppose marriage equality.

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