Anti-Science Santorum: Freeh Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal Report False

Rick Santorum, whose presidential campaign fizzled out once America realized how far away from reality he really is, now says the Freeh Report on the Penn State child sex abuse cover up is false. Santorum, who usually place a higher value on faith than since, claims the Louis Freeh’s conclusions don’t match the evidence. The Free Report found Penn State officials, including Coach Joe Paterno, participated in a cover-up, and were devoid of concern for Jerry Sandusky‘s victims.

Read: Complete Freeh Report On Sandusky And Penn State Child Sex Abuse Cover Up

“I actually read the Freeh Report,” Santorum says in this interview on Dallas-Ft. Worth’s KSKY 660 AM yesterday. “I don’t know if you did or not, but I did. And, my concern with the Freeh report, a lot of the conclusions in the Freeh report aren’t matched by the evidence that they presented and so I’ve been talking to a lot of folks at Penn State and they say, ‘you’re just gonna have to wait for the criminal trial of these two guys at Penn State.’ I think there is going to be a whole new line set on what really went on there. So I’m sort of sitting back and waiting for the facts to come out as opposed to at least I’m being told is a version of the facts. … Let’s get the truth. So I think we’re going to see some things come up a little different in the next six months. I just want to make sure we get it right.”

Zack Beauchamp at Think Progress writes:

Contra Santorum, the Freeh Report’s central finding — that “nothing was done and Sandusky was allowed to continue with impunity” by Penn State’s leaders — has been treated as conclusive by most observers of the scandal. There’s a good reason for that: the report parsed 3.5 million emails and conducted around 430 interviews. A number of emails arrayed in the report’s timeline of events confirm that Paterno, Spanier, and others had been presented with strong evidence of Sandusky’s actions and yet still decided to sweep the events under the rug — enabling multiple instances of abuse to take place. Unless Santorum has reason to believe these were falsified or somehow insufficient, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that he’s in denial about what took place at his alma mater.

Indeed, when the abuse scandal broke, Santorum expressed support for Paterno, saying “I have no idea what his side of the story is” and “of course I’ll be rooting for him and wish him the best.” Eight months later, Santorum is still supporting the former coach.

In March,


The New Civil Rights Movement reported:

Rick Santorum says that Americans should — but don’t — feel comfortable challenging science, and instead rely on biblical dogma and teachings. Santorum takes two of the most scientifically-settled concepts known to man: evolution and climate change, and says that just because ninety-something percent of the world agrees that both concepts are true and correct, there’s no reason to accept them as fact because here in America, we have our bibles and our faith.


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