Anti-Islam, KKK, White Supremacist Pride, Hate, And Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson, America’s bigot, as we reported just recently said that opposing Islam was the same as opposing Nazis. It was a casual conversation on his show, the 700 Club, and not atypical for the founder of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), the Christian Coalition, the Flying Hospital, International Family Entertainment Inc., Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation, and Regent University.

But what many of us who laugh off Robertson by saying, “Oh, it’s just Pat Robertson being Pat Robertson” need to remember is that Robertson and his ilk invade America’s homes daily, as you can imagine, given his media empire (above.)

Here’s one result of his decades of bigotry, as evidenced in this video by filmmaker Eric Allen Bell: White Supremacist Pride, KKK, anti-Islam nationalism, radical religious extremism, and the Tea Party. You name it, it’s in here.

Bell, in this rough cut of a documentary he is working on, titled, “Not Welcome,” about a small Tennessee town’s response to Islam, shows a clip of Robertson (at about the 17:30 mark) commenting on the proposed mosque in Tennessee, inciting fear: “next thing you know they’ll be taking over the city council.” Later, he shows Robertson saying, “look at the violence.”

Bell, in the video, says there are “70 million end-times Evangelicals in the United States.” Are you surprised that a quarter or so of all Americans are end-times Evangelicals? You shouldn’t be.

As Bell tells the story of the reception his hometown gave to people who wanted to build a mosque, you wonder at how the hate and fear came to be.

And then you go back and remember Pat Robertson.

Any questions?

Thanks to Eric Allen Bell who allowed us to share with you his video.


NOT WELCOME (rough cut) Promotional Short Version from Eric Allen Bell on Vimeo.

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