Anti-Gun Is The Same As Anti-Gay, Says NRA News Commentator

Is the NRA taking a stance on gay rights? Not exactly, but Colion Noir, whose work regularly appears on the NRA’s NRA News website, says that being anti-gun is the same as being anti-gay and being against interracial marriage. In his latest video, Noir takes Starbucks to task for what he says is their new anti-gun position. Last week, Starbucks’ CEO Howard Schultz asked people to not being their guns into Starbucks restaurants, following a wave of gun owners conspicuously taking advantage of their open-carry permits.

LOOK: 14 People Who Brought Guns To ‘Starbucks Appreciation Day’

“In the wake of Starbucks coming out of the proverbial anti-gun closet — yes, I said anti-gun — because when you request that I don’t bring my gun with me into your store, that’s an anti-gun stance. Think about it. If you said, ‘We’re not pro- or anti-gay but please all gay people — we respectfully ask that you not bring your ‘gayness’ into the store. I mean, we’ll still serve you, but, if you can leave the gayness at the door, we would much appreciate it.’ Now if that’s what they said I highly doubt Tom Ford would go start designing a black Tuscan coffee signature cologne in support of this stance.”

Noir, on his blog, the Urban Gun Enthusiast, calls Schultz’s request “the most meticulously choreographed dance, of neutrality, by a corporation, regarding a volatile political issue.”

“Starbucks took an anti-gun stance. Not an anti-open-carry stance, but an anti-gun stance,” Noir claims in his video.

“That’s like saying, hey you — interracial couple — could you please not bring that ‘jungle fever’ into our store? Some people have a problem seeing interracial affection in public.”

Noir says instead of asking “responsible gun owners” to not bring their guns, Starbucks should ask thieves to not steal people’s laptops from their restaurants. “I know what goes on in a Starbucks. The least of your concern is me and my concealed Glock, or a group of guys carrying AR-15’s.”

But Noir doesn’t realize that he already refuted his own analogy, however clever it might be, in his profile on the NRA’s website.

The reality behind a firearm is, “It doesn’t have a soul, it isn’t evil, it’s just an inanimate object.”

And people do — which is why you cannot compare being anti-gay to being anti-gun.




Hat tip: Towleroad


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