Anti-Gay NOM’s New Radio Ad Admits They Were Top Prop 8 Funder (Audio)

NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, released a new ad touting their accomplishments, including the statement that NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, “was the largest contributor to get Proposition 8 on the ballot.”

NOM, which was founded in 2007, had to work pretty hard to get that much cash together in 2007 to fund a 2008 California ballot initiative, wouldn’t you think? Where did all that cash come from?

NOM reportedly contributed $1.8 million to get the anti-gay, Proposition 8 on the ballot. How?

Via Wikipedia:

“Fred Karger of Californians Against Hate filed a complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commission alleging that the National Organization for Marriage was established by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in order to direct church funds toward the passage of Proposition 8. A church spokesman and NOM’s then-president Maggie Gallagher both denied the allegations.”

Karger is now a Republican presidential candidate.

Back to the radio ad, which is only being played on Christian radio stations. (And thanks to Jeremy Hooper of Good As You for finding it!)

NOM President Brian Brown says in the ad, “preserving marriage is the moral battle of our generation.”

OK, Brian, preserve it. Help all couples to make it through these tough times.


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