Anti-Gay Meeting Of Radical Religious Right Group Canceled By Sen. Mark Kirk

The World Congress of Families came to town today, only to find their meeting space was canceled. The WCF is a radical, anti-gay, so-called “pro-family” organization that has been working in Russia and other nations around the globe to influence governments to pass anti-LGBT legislation.

They had scheduled a meeting with U.S. Senators and their staffs in Washington, D.C.’s Dirksen Senate Office Building. While it remains unknown how the anti-gay group and its supporters had arranged the meeting space, Illinois Republican U.S. Senator Mark Kirk canceled their meeting space.

LOOK: Why Are Top Anti-Gay Activists Holding A Meeting In A US Senate Building Today?

“Sen. Kirk doesn’t affiliate with groups that discriminate,” Kirk’s office announced in a statement, according to Buzzfeed:

“Shame on you, Senator Kirk, for allowing vocal radical sexual minorities to drown out the voices of the natural family and faith that have made our nation free, prosperous, and stable for more than 200 years,” said Larry Jacobs, managing director of the World Congress of Families in an email to BuzzFeed. “Obviously Senator Kirk doesn’t care about families and children and freedom and has chosen to side with the policies of decline, death and disease promoted by the Sexual Radicals.”

And in their anger, the Word Congress of Families revealed just a glimpse of the depth of their hate of the LGBT community.

As The New Civil Rights Movement reported this morning, the group’s members and speakers at today’s meeting hold a view of the world that includes warnings about “demographic winter,” the ugly idea that not enough white Christians are marrying and procreating, and that Muslims are growing families at a faster rate than Christians.

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Boehner To The Rescue — Of International Anti-Gay Organization Promoting Russia’s Policies

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