Anti-Gay Marriage Bill Created ‘To Protect Caucasian Race’ Says Senator’s Wife

The wife of the state senator who authored Amendment One, North Carolina’s anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment that would write discrimination into their constitution, says her husband wrote the bill “to protect the caucasian race,” according to a reporter and poll workers present.

The line from the radical religious right has been same-sex marriage is a sin because the Bible says so, and children deserve a mom and a dad, and marriage is one man, one woman because only heterosexual unions can create children (all, ludicrous on their face,) but now gay people getting married will kill off the caucasian race? Pray tell, how?

Pam Spaulding explains:

Chad Nance who is a freelance journalist in Winston-Salem and is covering the election here in NC, recorded the wife of NC Sen. Peter Brunstetter confirming that she believes that Amendment One’s destiny is not only to save marriage, it apparently also has something to do with white power preservation. (!)

Nance said he recorded a conversation with the woman, whose name is Jodie Brunstetter, on video, and that she confirmed that she used the term “Caucasian” in a discussion about the marriage amendment, but insisted that otherwise her comments had been taken out of context by other poll workers.

…Nance paraphrased the remarks, as told to him by those who were present: “During the conversation, Ms. Brunstetter said her husband was the architect of Amendment 1, and one of the reasons he wrote it was to protect the Caucasian race. She said Caucasians or whites created this country. We wrote the Constitution. This is about protecting the Constitution. There already is a law on the books against same-sex marriage, but this protects the Constitution from activist judges.”

Nance said he recruited a friend, who works for the Coalition to Protect All North Carolina Families, to witness his interview with Jodie Brunstetter. He said Brunstetter reluctantly acknowledged that she had used the term “Caucasian” and then repeated the statement previously attributed to her, but substituted the pronoun “we” for “Caucasian. Nance said Brunstetter insisted there was nothing racial about her remarks, but could not explain why she used the term “Caucasian.”

Spaulding, a North Carolina resident and creator of the well-read Pam’s House Blend, has worked tirelessly to fight Amendment One. She points to this article in a local North Carolina paper, which offers a transcript and more local details.

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