Anti-Gay Groups Have Had A Two-Year Losing Streak (Video)

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Matt Baume, reporting for AFER, the American Foundation for Equal Rights, notes “it’s now been two and a half years since our opponents last held majority support in any major national poll.”

“The Supreme Court is just days away from deciding whether to take the Prop 8 case. Depending on how they rule, we could see marriages starting in California, Maine, Washington and Maryland all within the span of a few weeks. Plus with new survey data out this week, it’s now been two and a half years since our opponents last held majority support in any major national poll.”

By the way, AFER is “the sole sponsor of the federal court challenge of California’s Proposition 8, now known as Hollingsworth v Perry, AFER is leading the fight for marriage equality and equality under the law for every American,” and “assembled a legal team led by Theodore Olson and David Boies to demonstrate that Proposition 8 violates the U.S. Constitution by denying millions of people equal protection under the law.”

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