Anti-Gay Groups Furious Over Florida LGBT Win Against Rep. Allen West

Anti-Gay groups like the Christian Family Coalition (CFC) and the National Organization For Marriage (NOM) are furious that an LGBT group was able to convince a local Florida business association to un-invite Rep. Allen West, after realizing the Congressman regularly advances hate-filled, anti-gay, and anti-Muslim, and misogynistic rhetoric. These groups are so upset they are send out thousands upon thousands of emails begging for cash.

The Florida GLBT Democratic Caucus two weeks ago responded to a speaking invitation by a local business organization to Congressman Allen West by telling the group, the Wilton Manors Business Association, that it would start a boycott of the local area businesses if they did not withdraw their invitation, and it would call for the resignation of the business group’s leader — who had not even bothered to ask the members if they would support a visit from the highly controversial Congressman.

Many of the members of the business group were, rightly, upset that West had been invited, given his hate speech against gays, Muslims, and women. Wilton Manors is a very LGBT-friendly area, and inviting Rep. West to speak was tantamount to inviting the enemy in.

So the Wilton Manors Business Association sent West a letter, rescinding their invitation.

By now, Congressman West had gone into action, with letter from him — on his Congressional stationery — being printed in full in the local newspaper, and groups like NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, getting involved.

The local Florida newspaper, the Sun-Sentinel, reported practically every twist and turn of the story (as did The New Civil Rights Movement,) and ultimately came down, in an editorial, on the side of Rep. West, but also published an opposing op-ed.

Maggie Galllagher’s National Organization For Marriage published, “National Organization For Marriage Condemns ‘Intolerable’ Gay Activist Harassment Of Congressman Allen West.”

In a self-serving twist of the truth, NOM writes,

“It is outrageous that gay activists would harass Congressman West because he believes in marriage between a man and a woman, and threaten to boycott members of a business group who invited him to speak on business issues,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president. “Unfortunately, this is the new approach being utilized by the gay marriage movement in America. They do not want to civilly debate the issues; instead, they attempt to silence opponents through intimidation, harassment and threats.”

And the Christian Family Coalition sent an urgent email alert (a portion above), titled, “Anti-American Extremists and Racists Force Cancelation of Meeting with Cong. Allen West!”

(Note the typo…  and the idea that because West is Black, they are racists.)

Here’s the email:


MIAMI, FL -The Christian Family Coalition (CFC), Florida’s tireless human rights and social advocacy organization, calls on all fair-minded Americans to reject the Wilton Manors Business Association’s (WMBA) disrespectful, undemocratic and hate-based cancelation of its previously scheduled August 8th meeting with U.S. Congressman Allen West, the popular, decorated Iraq war veteran.

While homosexual extremists continuously shed crocodile tears for allegedly being “victims” of “discrimination,” once they get their foot in the door, they brutally silence all who disagree with them. Their threats, intimidation, and blackmail forced the city of Wilton Manors to bow to their unjust and outrageous demands to disrespectfully snub and censor Cong. West.

These underhanded, undemocratic tactics are no different from those used against citizens by the KKK, Neo-Nazis, Stalinists and like-minded, bigoted, racist, anti-American extremists.

Americans must wake up to these disturbing attacks against their basic rights and freedoms! Will you give up your country to anti-American extremists? Today, they targeted Cong. Allen West, will you be next?

Cong. West, when in Washington, please remember: The homosexual extremists running the city of Wilton Manors don’t deserve any federal taxpayer dollars to operate their corrupt, racist, discriminatory and intolerant municipal administration and hold hostage all the good citizens of Wilton Manors. Intolerant, racist, homosexual extremists have no place in modern American society. Too much American blood has been shed in battlefields across the globe to secure the blessings of freedom and representative government only to have a few anti-American extremists destroy these blessings here at home.

But of course, here’s the best part:

“To send your contribution to our ministry click here.”


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