Anti-Gay Chuck Colson Quotes Oscar Wilde To Claim Religious Persecution

Chuck Colson, the virulently anti-gay Watergate felon turned prison minister yesterday quoted Oscar Wilde, the iconic gay 19th century ;Irish writer and poet, to rail against what he perceives as the Obama administration persecuting Christians and restraining religious liberties. Colson claims “secularists are attempting to confine the Christian voice to the church building,” as the YouTube detail reads.

READ: ;Gay-Basher Chuck Colson: “I Can’t Think of A Single Time” I’ve Gay Bashed

“Whether it’s Hillary Clinton reducing freedom of religion to freedom of worship, the administration cutting Catholic Charities out of grants to help human trafficking victims, or the so-called contraception debate, more and more we are being asked to leave our faith at the temple door,” Colson claimed, adding that “We cannot comply, because God speaks to every area of life.”

Of course, it doesn’t take a felon to know truth from fiction, but Colson certainly has trouble sorting them out.

Perhaps the phrase ‘freedom of worship” os better. It puts religion in its place. Why do non-faithful have to be inundated with religion? And whose religion is supposed to take prominence?

For more proof of Colson’s distortions, see:

Setting the Record Straight on Federal Funding for Catholic Organizations

Colson is a member of ;the GLAAD CAP, which quotes Colson as saying, “being gay ;is a health risk more dangerous than smoking,” and “[c]ompared being gay ;to jumping off a 10-story building.”

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