Ann Coulter: Stop Liberalism By Raising The Voting Age Back To 21

As the “younger generation” becomes more worldly, increasingly familiar with politics, popular culture, and has increased access to ideas and information people of my age — and Ann Coulter’s –  the anti-gay HomoCon headliner has a new fear: the younger generation. As we know, if nothing happens legislatively or judicially in the LGBT rights arena, all we have to do is wait for the people of Ann Coulter’s age — and mine — to die, and the “younger generation” will ultimately take over and vote for equality. So, what is Ann Coulter’s solution? “Repeal the 26th Amendment!” Literally. Raise the voting age from eighteen back to twenty-one.

This is preposterous, but so is Coulter. (Remember, this is Ann Coulter, who lied to support Carl Paladino AFTER Paladino’s war on gays.)

Read: Ann Coulter’s Top 10 Most Disgusting Comments At Gay Republicans’ “Homocon”

Take a gander at Coulter’s “logic” — WHY she thinks voter disenfranchisement is a good idea:

“Obama’s disastrous presidency has already produced Republican senators from Massachusetts, Wisconsin and Illinois; New Jersey’s wonder-governor Chris Christie; and the largest House majority for Republicans since 1946.

“We deserve more. Clinton only threatened to wreck the health care system; Obama actually did it. We must repeal the 26th Amendment.

“Adopted in 1971 at the tail end of the Worst Generation’s anti-war protests, the argument for allowing children to vote was that 18-year-olds could drink and be conscripted into the military, so they ought to be allowed to vote.

“But 18-year-olds aren’t allowed to drink anymore. We no longer have a draft. In fact, while repealing the 26th Amendment, we ought to add a separate right to vote for members of the military, irrespective of age.

“As we have learned from ObamaCare, young people are not considered adults until age 26, at which point they are finally forced to get off their parents’ health care plans. The old motto was “Old enough to fight, old enough to vote.” The new motto is: “Not old enough to buy your own health insurance, not old enough to vote.”

Make sense?

Of course not.

Ann, your prejudices have been so transparent: anti-gay, anti-black, anti-Democrat, anti-immigration, anti-the rest of the world, and now, anti-people-younger-than-you.

That is ageist, and unacceptable.

What you SHOULD be focused on, if you’re so worried about “the younger generation’s” voting ability, is not their age, which is representative of nothing (after all, you’re forty-eight, have no morals, and by my standards, therefore, shouldn’t be allowed to vote either — how’s that sound?) but their EDUCATION. So stop this bunk about getting rid of the Department of Education, and work toward improving the education levels in this country. Let’s stamp out ignorance.

Starting with you.

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