Ann Coulter’s Top 10 Most Disgusting Comments At Gay Republicans’ “Homocon”

Ann Coulter headlined the rumor-generating, right- and left- wing head-scratching, first-annual GOProud, $2,500 per-person “party,” called “Homocon,” held Saturday night at PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel’s Manhattan Union Square high-rise. For weeks, the racist homophobe’s remarks have been followed, as Coulter, never one to give up an opportunity to skewer a minority, certainly took full advantage of the crowd of about 150 people.

(Yes, 150 people paid $2500 each for the opportunity to be offended and ridiculed by a professional bigot. Go figure.)

Via TPM, Esquire, Politico, and Huffington Post, here are Ann Coulter’s top ten most disgusting, offensive, racist, homophobic comments from Homocon:

“Gays are the molecular opposites of blacks”

“Gay marriage is not a civil right — you’re not black.”

“I don’t care how many studies Ted Olson produces” about gay couples making good parents, because the ideal is “one mother, one father.”

“Not only can gays be conservative, you pretty much have to be,” because you are the “highest income demographic,” because “gays are too stylish to work for the federal government,” because radical Muslims want to execute them.

“Once [scientists] find the gay gene, guess who’s getting aborted?”

“The equality clause is about just the blacks.”

[We should] “redirect stimulus funds toward creating a ‘Cabinet-level Department of Accessorizing.'”

“Liberals are attempting to teach kindergartners about ‘fisting.'”

Most parents don’t want their children learning about the “homosexual lifestyle” instead of reading and writing.

“Blacks must be looking at the gays saying, ‘Why can’t we be oppressed like that?'”

“The truth is…they’re already against gay marriage, they just wont admit it publicly.”

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