Animated Kids Film About Rebels Fighting The Fed. Can’t Make This Up.

Just what every kid wants to go see: a movie about taking down the financial system of the United States!

“We’re trying to let it be something that Libertarians and silver people enjoy.” So says Pasha Roberts, creator of “Silver Circle,” an animated feature-length film about rebels fighting the Fed — the big, bad Federal Reserve, that people like Reason magazine mogul Nick Gillespie (and Ron PAul) love to hate. No word yet on if Paul will have a role. Maybe the much-beloved Libertarian President of the United States of America? Or, is that gone in 2019, the year the film is set.

Get it? “Silver Circle.” Dimes?

There’s even a graphic novel

Via Reason:

Tough question: How do you create a libertarian Wall-E, an animated film that packs a wallop of a message?

Tougher question: How do you create a film about monetary policy and still get the kids to watch it?

If you’re Silver Circle auteur Pasha Roberts, you frame your animated feature within a larger science fiction story of “tyranny, explosions, monetary mayhem, romance and rebels.” And you go easy on the lecturing. As Roberts explains, “There is no 78-page John Galt speech.”

Reason’s Nick Gillespie sat down with Roberts at FreedomFest 2011 to talk about Silver Circle and the political and technological developments that inspired it.

By the way, Gillespie’s bio at Reason states,

The Washington Post featured Gillespie’s tenure at Reason magazine, asking, “Which monthly magazine editor argues that the spread of pornography is a victory for free expression? And that drugs from marijuana to heroin should not only be legalized, but using them occasionally is just fine? And is also quite comfortable with gay marriage? The answer is Nick Gillespie, libertarian and doctor of literature, who…is injecting [Reason magazine] with a pop-culture sensibility.”

I’m not so sure I like “gay marriage” being lumped in with pornography and “drugs from marijuana to heroin.”

The Right constantly cries about the Left “indoctrinating our children!” and yet extremist Tea Party movies and children’s books, and things like anti-Muslim children’s coloring books are becoming the norm for right-wing nuts.

Oh boy. You can’t make this stuff up…

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