Andrew Breitbart Loses It On Occupy Protestors “Filthy Freaks…Stop Raping People!”

Andrew Breitbart, the radical Tea Party media mogul best-known as a purveyor of misleading and faulty — if not outright false —  information, tonight was filmed in Washington, D.C., outside the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, where an Occupy group was protesting CPAC. Breitbart lost it on the crowd, and started screaming, “Behave yourself! Behave yourself! Behave yourself!,” over and over and over, and then, “you filthy freaks!,” and, repeatedly, “Stop raping people! Stop raping people!”

Breitbart was “gently encouraged by security guards to go back inside,” according to Emily Crockett of Campus Progress, according to DCist, who posted this video and reported, “Breitbart stepped outside and unleashed his fury at the demonstrators, calling them “freaks” at the top of his lungs.”

Last fall, Breitbart fantasized about killing Liberals — and especially union members — claiming that conservatives outnumber Liberals, and are the ones who have guns. The pseudo-journalist also said he was the subject of death threats, and complained people on Twitter call him “gay.”

Startlingly, Breitbart also claimed he is favored by U.S. military officers, who, in a civil war, would come to his aid, and  several times belittled political activist Janeane Garofalo.

Just after that, Breitbart claimed conservatives were “under siege.”

You tell me: is this the behavior of a sane man that anyone should be taking direction from?


Hat tip: Marc Love

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