Anderson Cooper Profiles Michele Bachmann’s History Of Lies (Video)

Michele Bachmann’s parroted lies about the HPV vaccine have reminded America that Michele Bachmann is a liar. Bachmann recounting some unnamed, unidentified woman’s false claim that the HPV vaccine made her daughter “mentally retarded,” on national television several times, as Cooper points out, is “incredibly irresponsible.” Cooper reminds us that there is absolutely no possible way the HPV vaccine could make someone “mentally retarded,” and says, “Bachmann is spreading an all-out falsehood here.”

On last night’s AC 360, Anderson Cooper profiled Michele Bachmann’s long history of lies. Cooper shows clip after clip after clip of verified lies told by Bachmann. “There’s no political wiggle-room here, no grey areas, no spin.”

In this clip, Ron Carey, Bachmann’s former Chief of Staff admits Bachmann “is very impulsive,” and says she reads a lot but sometimes leaves out the “ten or twenty percent that can change the outcome.”

Worse, Carey says Bachmann “does her own research,” because she “doesn’t use her staff well.” Just the qualities we want in a president…

David Gergen in the clip says this latest round “has done serious damage to her campaign.”


Our deep thanks to Dave Evans of  for this important clip!

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