An Open Thank You Letter To Starbucks, A Warning About NOM

To all Starbucks Shareholders, Administration and Employees:

This is to thank you for your support for LGBT equality.

The nasty, gay-bashing venom and hatred being directed at Starbucks by the so-called National Organization for Marriage because of Starbucks’ support for equality is characteristic of that horrid group.

During a NOM-sponsored anti-gay hate rally in the Bronx in May, a preacher yelled through a megaphone, in Spanish, at a mob of gay bashers that God says that homosexuals are “worthy to death.”

Like all anti-minority hate groups, NOM depends on spreading malicious lies against gay human beings.

NOM is organized into differently-named branches, through which it tirelessly and shamelessly pumps its anti-gay hatred and lies. NOM’s Ruth Institute, for instance, has among its specialties pitting the African-American community against the gay community.  For that, they have been rebuked by figures such as Pastor Michael Bledsoe of the Riverside Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.  NOM’s founder and chairman emeritus, the malignantly anti-gay Princeton Professor Robert George, has based his career on promulgating documentable lies against gay human beings.

NOM now is trying to insist that Starbucks’ employees and maybe even customers should be able to bring political gay bashing into the workplace to create an environment hostile to gay human beings.  Meanwhile, one never hears gay people suggesting that anti-gay bigots should not be permitted to marry each other.

Our only truth is love; NOM is running around the country and the world saying that we are “worthy to death.”

Thank you, Starbucks, for standing up for human decency against the gay-bashing monsters of NOM.

You too can thank Starbucks:

Starbucks Customer Service 
800-Starbuc (800-782-7282) 

New York City– based novelist and freelance writer Scott Rose’s LGBT– interest by– line has appeared on Advocate .com, PoliticusUSA .com, The New York Blade, Queerty .com, Girlfriends and in numerous additional venues. Among his other interests are the arts, boating and yachting, wine and food, travel, poker and dogs. His “Mr. David Cooper’s Happy Suicide” is about a New York City advertising executive assigned to a condom account.

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