An Important Note To Readers

If you’ve visited this site over the past few days, you may have noticed a subtle change. In a few places, you may have noticed a small text link urging you to, “Buy a Blogad!” Hopefully, you didn’t find it intrusive. (In fact, no one has even mentioned them to me.)

Today, we’re taking this site one step further, and I want to explain to you what, exactly, and why.

For almost two years — since November, 2008 — I, along with a few occasional contributors, have worked tirelessly to bring you news, analysis, and opinion here at The New Civil Rights Movement. Exclusive content is time-consuming to create, but two years ago, upon the heels of the Prop 8 vote, stripping Californians of their right tom marry the person they loved, I committed myself to furthering the cause of civil rights, especially for the LGBTQ community.

It has been an all-consuming task, but one that I have loved from the beginning.

I work very hard to bring you news before most any other site online has it, analysis of the watershed events that affect our community, and opinion that helps us — and those who oppose us — see us, and our community, in a different light.

I hope you’ll agree that we do all that pretty well here. If you agree, or if you don’t, I hope you’ll take a moment to tell us why or why not! My goal is to create the best content for you, so The New Civil Rights Movement is your first stop as you start your day, your lunch companion, and the last thing you read at night. If there’s any way we can do a better job, I want to know!

As I said, producing exclusive content isn’t easy — or cheap. Twelve to eighteen hours a day, five-plus days a week, with no paycheck, isn’t sustainable for long. And with the increases in visits we’ve seen recently, I’ve upgraded our servers, so, well, our online costs are rising as well.

So, today, I have added advertisements to the site.

Hopefully, you’ll find them unintrusive. Hopefully, to be honest, you’ll click on them if you’re so inclined!

And most importantly, hopefully, if you find one staring you in the face that makes you think it is totally inappropriate, you’ll let me know.

This site is for you, but now it also needs to pay some bills, or at some point, what began as a labor of love will have to end, and I’ll have to find a job with a boss and a paycheck.

I’d much rather you were my boss, and my paycheck came from our advertisers.

If, by chance, you are an advertiser, or would like to advertise on The New Civil Rights Movement, please, please contact me!

And I hope you’ll continue to visit here. Daily. (Or, well, hourly!)

Thank you for helping to make the site what I believe is one of the most intelligent gay news, analysis, and opinion blogs online.

I hope you’ll see the introduction of advertising as a greater commitment to you that we’re here to make The New Civil Rights Movement the best gay rights blog. Hopefully, you’ll tell us what you think.

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