American Family Association Links Gays To Hurricane Isaac Destruction

Buster Wilson, general manager of the American Family Association‘s radio network, yesterday on his show strongly linked a famous decades-old New Orleans LGBT festival named “Southern Decadence” to Hurricane Isaac. “I can think of example after example after example after example where the people don’t live right, God will come in sometimes — not always, but sometimes — and literally destroy a place,” Wilson told his audience. Isaac is responsible for at least five deaths in Louisiana and Mississippi.

“New Orleans like many places in America certainly has more than her share of ‘decadence.’ You could say, ‘Well what about San Francisco? There are never any hurricanes or typhoons there?’ Well, they just have some of the most devastating earthquakes in American history there.”

Wilson neglects to mention that there also are many churches in New Orleans and San Francisco. And water. And air.

“I’m not saying that’s exactly why the hurricane comes to New Orleans this week, or why the weather is done its damage there in the past, but I’m saying it does fit a pattern that there is an abundance of in the Scripture,” Wilson continues. “I think it would be time for us as Americans to do best if  we stop wagging our fist in God’s face.”

Wilson via email once told me that he never lets Bryan Fischer say anything on the radio that can’t be proven. You’ll notice how carefully Wilson speaks, accusing — only indirectly — gay people for the destruction that Hurricane Isaac brought.

It’s classic, really. He uses inflection and linking to make his case, let it drop on his listeners’ ears, then moves away, totally unresponsible for anything that comes of it. No doubt, Scripture has a few words about that behavior as well.

Proverbs 6:16-19

Earlier this month, Wilson said that “Big Gay” activists will end up in hell one day.

Of course, we would be negligent to not mention that the American Family Association is a Southern Poverty Law Center certified anti-gay hate group, because we can point to “example after example after example after example” of the organization spreading lies and mistruths about gay people.

Video via Right Wing Watch

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