Almost 800 Marriage Licenses Issued To Washington Same-Sex Couples In Day One Celebration

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Almost 800 marriage licenses were issued in the state of Washington yesterday to same-sex couples who began lining up before midnight, when marriage bureaus in the Evergreen State opened their doors for the first time ever for gay marriage.

One group, Legal Voice, about 90 minutes before the marriage bureaus closed yesterday, noted 769 licenses had been issued, with more to come before closing.

Not only did marriage bureaus in the state of Washington open their doors, but they opened their hearts.



This roundup of photos, videos, and tweets tells the story of the day so well, but the fact that it was put together and updated every few minutes throughout the day — by the King County government, home to Seattle — speaks volumes.

[View the story “Marriage Equality in King County” on Storify]

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