Allen West: You Cannot Compare Me And My Race To Homosexual Behavior

Rep. Allen West (R-FL), discussing homosexuality, said, “you cannot compare me and my race to a behavior. Sexuality is a behavior.” The conversation appears in this video, which was filmed in a sit-down interview with the Sun-Sentinel’s editorial board on Tuesday. In the video, Rep. Allen West again repeated his offensive claim, that gays can change their behavior, but “I can not change my color.”

“Everyone has the same basic rights and no one is telling people in the gay community that they don’t have, you know, the same basic rights that any America [sic] has.”

“I like chocolate chip ice cream, and I will continue to like chocolate chip ice cream,” West said. “So there’s no worry about me changing to vanilla. I like to, you know, ride my motorcycle. What do you want me to do? You want me to change my behavior and ride a scooter? I’m not into that.”

So, gay people aren’t “into” having heterosexual sex, so they shouldn’t be allowed to have same-sex marriage equality. Get it? Makes sense, right?

West makes another very strange statement, in addition to everything else he said. “People can change their sexual behavior. And I’ve seen people do that, you know, I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, so I’ve seen a very different perspective on human behaviors. So that’s where I’m coming from with that.”

Evidently, Atlanta, Georgia is home to the world’s largest ex-gay community?

Who knew?

The Sun-Sentinel adds, “West said he opposes gay marriage but civil unions for gay couples are fine. He said all adoptions need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis and he doesn’t object to gay couples adopting children.”

The Sun’s board mentioned West’s brother-in-law, who is gay and married to another man, and asked if West believed he was really married, West said, “California gave them a marriage license? Guess what? I’m not a a judge I’m not the justice of the peace. So if they’re married, they’re married, OK? Nothing I can do about it.”


Give him time.



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