Allen West, Two Weeks After Losing, Finally Concedes In Ugly Manner

var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Allen West, the one-term Tea Party Republican Congressman, finally conceded to Democrat Patrick Murphy. West lost by less than one percentage point, but at no time were any vote counts in his favor or within the legal limits that would have demanded a recount — although West spent two weeks and many hours in court demanding one.

‘‘I pray he will serve his constituents with honor and integrity, and put the interests of our nation before his own,” West said in a statement conceding. West never called his opponent to concede or offer congratulations.

It was unclear why West would “pray” Murphy “will serve his constituents with honor and integrity, and put the interests of our nation before his own,” the implication being West does not believe Murphy will.

West’s own behavior during his tenure in Congress and certainly during both his election bids was far from honorable, selfless, or integrity-filled.

One week after the election, West was still running ads against Murphy.

“While there are certainly still inaccuracies in the results, and the actions of the St. Lucie County and Palm Beach County Supervisors of Elections rightly raise questions in my mind and for many voters, after much analysis and this past weekend’s recount in St. Lucie County, our legal team does not believe there are enough over-counted, undercounted or fraudulent votes to change the outcome of the election,” West’s statement added.

West’s campaign website still is asking for donations to his “recount fund” to “protect every vote.”

As The New Civil Rights Movement reported just after the election, West was dead silent throughout the year as Florida Republican Governor and possible criminal Rick Scott spent months twisting Florida’s already warped elections systems, willy-nilly purging voters and slashing early voting times.

As America watched in horror the news footage of Florida residents standing lines for up to eight hours to “early vote,” over the past week, Governor Rick Scott and Secretary of State Ken Detzner were rushing to do nothing. In fact, Detzner told the press on election day that the elections process is “just about right.” Last year. Governor Rick Scott signed into law a bill that cut early voting almost in half.

And then, despite Florida elections laws and the Voting Rights Act, Governor Scott began purging voters from the rolls, a possible illegal act.

West not once ever raised concerns about Scott’s voter suppression tactics.



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