All Gays Hate Jesus Christ And His Followers, Says Linda Harvey (Audio)

Linda Harvey, the head of as-close-to-a-certified-hate-group-as-you-can-get, Mission: America, said on her radio program devoted to “Remembering 9/11,” that all gays “hate Jesus Christ and His followers.” Harvey, who often uses her radio program to attack the LGBT community and the Left, directed this attack on the Left, including “the homosexual and pro-abortion feminists.”

How in the world can the Left be aligned with these folks? Well there’s a real simple answer I think, in that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They all hate the actual Judeo-Christian heritage and those who uphold it, they hate the West, and of course we are not perfect we can look around and see some of our own problems, but they hate the ideology, they hate the freedom. It’s a spiritual thing, they hate Jesus Christ. This is why you have the homosexual and pro-abortion feminists remaining silent or actually being apologists for radical Islam. Hello, they would be the first people that in an Islamic state that would come under some level of oppression, why wouldn’t they be afraid of these people? No, because they all hate Jesus Christ and His followers.

Ironically, last month, Harvey said of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, “there are no such humans,” and declared there’s no proof they exist.

Also last month, Harvey announced that ending the concept of gay identity would “make a serious dent” in ending HIV, and demanded that gays and lesbians be banned from teaching in schools and and classified the It Gets Better Project as “evil.”

“Kids should not be put in the confusing position of having a teacher they like and respect in many ways who’s also known to be practicing homosexual behavior,” Harvey said, and added, “Out and proud homosexuals should not have jobs that involve children.”

Thanks to Right Wing Watch for the transcript, and to On Top Magazine for the audio.

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