A Little #SameSexSunday To Start Your Monday

Those of you who use Twitter probably are familiar with #SameSexSunday. It’s a popular recommendation designation that tells people on Twitter who you suggest they “follow.” If you’re not on Twitter, I won’t bother explaining it or extolling its virtues – or vices, here. (I’ve already done that here and here.)

I tend to suggest a great many people to follow on Twitter. Between my two accounts I have almost 10,000 followers and I’m following about the same number of folks. Chances are pretty good if you’re a regular reader here, we follow each other on Twitter. (If we don’t, feel free to follow me!)

OK. So Sunday night, as I was tweeting my #SameSexSunday suggestions, several folks asked me to include them. One or two even outright chastised me for not: “I feel left out!” and “can you please stop forgetting me in your same sex sunday feed??”

So, a few thoughts —

People want to be included. As members of the LGBTQ community, we suffer from being excluded from so many things from the day we are born. For us to move the ball forward on equal rights, we’re going to need every voice; we’re going to have to expand The Big Tent.

If you want something, at first you have to ask nicely. If you don’t get what you want, ask a little louder. Finally, as I wrote in, “Apologists Need Not Apply,”

“Waiting and being polite – as much as I personally appreciate those things – aren’t going to get us what we deserve, what we want, what we need. As much as I like being chivalrous, I know that it takes some pushing and some name-calling, and a lot – a lot – of speaking truth to power to make things move.”

But remember, to get it, you have to deserve it.

So, here’s how to deserve it – here’s how to get some #SameSexSunday recognition, at least from me:

Talk to me. About things that matter. I’m really not a “How’s the weather?” kinda guy.

Work hard to tell people what’s going on in our community. Work hard to tell people what’s going on outside of our community, when that affects our community.

Defend us and the truth from our detractors. Challenge those who say gay marriage is bad or wrong or “debauchery.”

Spread the word: Retweet early and often.

Comment here – tell me your thoughts about what we’re doing.

“Pay it forward”: Do good deeds for folks who need your help, and share that. And publicize the good works of others.

Be a great resource.

Be credible.

Don’t belittle others by calling them names all the time. (Though it’s fine, in my opinion, to use their own words – in context – against them.)

Help make this blog better.

Share tips and story ideas.

Don’t embarrass us. There’s enough of that going on these days.

Hire me as a regular columnist for The New York Times.

See? Easy!

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