A “Gay, Immigrant, Black, Handicapped Woman” Supreme Court Justice Is Exactly What America Needs

Glenn Beck, the Thirty-Two-Million-Dollar-Man in charge of racism, red scares, and right-wing Tea Party wingnuts at Fox News, offered this informed comment on the news today that SCOTUS Associate Justice John Paul Stevens formally announced he will retire this summer.

“Mark my words, a radical is coming. Sotomayor, I’m sorry gang, but she’s a radical.”

“If the president is smart, he’ll find “a gay, handicapped black woman, who’s an immigrant.”

“She could be the devil. She could say, ‘I hate America. I want to destroy America.’ And that way, they’ll only be able to say, ‘Why do you hate gay, immigrant, black handicapped women. Why do you hate them?’


I hope President Obama chooses an intellectual who understands the challenges the average American faces today, but can foresee what challenges the average American will face tomorrow, all the way into the next century. I hope President Obama chooses a liberal, a progressive, someone as far Left as he can squeak through Congress. I don’t care if they are confirmed by a 51-49 vote. I think it would be great if Vice President Biden had to cast the deciding vote. I hope he nominates someone and they are confirmed before this Congress is over. I hope he doesn’t play politics, and I hope he remembers how great he felt when health care reform passed. In short, I hope Obama throws caution to the wind, remembers who put him in office, thinks of the history books, and nominates someone who can ensure, for decades to come, the Court moves more Left.

So, my question is, what would be wrong if that person were a gay, immigrant, handicapped black woman? I think that would be amazing.

Because, really, given all the problems our country faces today, the brunt is borne by those minorities. Hopefully, that hypothetical nominee at some point was poor as well.

(Quote and audio via TPM and MediaMatters)

Cynthia Yockey, A Conservative Lesbian, thinks, “It’s time for an openly gay or lesbian justice on the Supreme Court — gay rights activists, get on that, please”

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