“You Don’t Have To Read Thousands Of Sociological Studies To Know That Marriage Matters”



Where does one begin! “You Don’t Have To Read Thousands Of Sociological Studies To Know That Marriage Matters”. Of course you don’t! Because nothing in them says it doesn’t! And study after study PROVES that children raised by a gay couple or by a straight couple are no better or worse off. There is no study that proves that children raised by straight couples are more successful, happier, better-adjusted, taller, smarter, funnier, anythinger. 

The fact of the matter is that children raised in an environment of love, regardless of gender, are better off than children raised in an environment of discord, regardless of gender. 

And another point, gays agree, marriage DOES matter. Which is why we’re fighting for our civil rights to marry. If marriage didn’t matter, would we be fighting for it? Studies also should, and courts agree, that marriage by any other name demeans the couple and diminishes society’s perception of the relationship. So, without marriage equality, children are handicapped – not by their parents but by the society that refused to look at facts and allow the law to do its job: protect families, regardless of composition.

Now, let’s get back to the hate-fest that is this week’s CPAC 2009. (CPAC: Conservative Political Action Conference.) Our friends over at Right Wing Watch, who posted this video, write,

“The Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver says that you don’t need a bunch of scientific data to know that kids without fathers fare poorly, all you have to do is take a look at the prison population. Thus, letting two women get married will inevitably lead to a whole generation of violent criminals.”

I’ll take Mat Staver’s “logic” one step further. In the video he states that boys who grow up without fathers become violent criminals. Which means that a majority of Americans just put a violent criminal in the White House. How the Right gets away with these illogical arguments is beyond reason. What is also beyond reason is why we let them get away with it. If spreading lies were akin to making money, the CPAC folks would be among the richest on earth.

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